CIS Strategic Planning Workshop Mechanics

To: Country, Regional.and Provincial Presidents

Subject: CIS Strategic Planning Workshop Mechanics

Date: November 9, 2023

To ensure a more focused CIS Strategic Planning Session, Country, Regional, and Provincial Presidents will compose the Strategic Planning Committee and attend the initial CIS Zoom Strat Planning Session on 17 or 21 November 2023. The Regional presidents will consolidate amd present the suggested plans or ideas of the Provincial presidents, following the format below, for the next 3 years, guided by the CIS VISION, MISSION and PRIORITIES:

VISION: To be a strong, united and effective volunteer organization, leading the community in helping the government promote peace and order and public safety through the active support and engagement of its members.


1. To organize and mobilize CIS chapters in every locality composed of volunteers chosen for their good morale character and willingness to serve the community.

2. To mobilize the chapters for the purpose of supporting the Police and other law enforcement agencies in the promotion of peace and order and public safety in the community through anti-crime activities and projects.

3. To help the community during times of calamities through projects designed to alleviate the condition of those adversely affected.

4. To help develop the knowledge and skills of members through training and other acceptable teaching methods.

5. To help promote camaraderie and unity in the organization through wholesome fellowship, sports and family activities.

Our Thrusts and Priorities

1. Recruit quality members
2. Organize a Chapter in every City or Municipality
3. Strenghten Camaraderie and Unity in every CIS chapter.
4. Carry out service projects beneficial to the community and aligned with CIS advocacy
5. Improve Organizational Management

Basically, the following concerns must be answered in the presentation of the Regional Chapters:

1. How to realize positive Membership Growth?

– What is the best way to organize (local) chapters and
– What is the best to recruit more quality members/partners
(The KSA CENTRAL Region can present their successful experience in organizing new chapters in their region. The experience of successfully organizanizing the Qatar Chapter may also serve as a model.)

2. What and how can we implement beneficial and impactful COMMUNITY PROJECTS that will win public’s attention, trust, and respect?

3. What activities (games, social activities, etc) can we introduce to encourage camaraderie, maximum cooperation and unity among our CIS?

4. What training or learning ctivities can boost our leaders’ and members’ knowledge, efficiency and effectivity?

5. What realistic and doable program can we implement to support the emergency needs of a CIS member/s?

6. Others

Chairman Emeritus/Founding Father

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